Friday, November 30, 2007

Le Roi est Mort. La Vie longue le Roi!

There isn't one of us here at PTB that hasn't imagined themselves as "The King"'ve never seen a bike fly 'til you've seen an airborne Huffy.

EZ-E did the BSCziest stuffle a human being could think of.

Living 'til 69 while doin' it makes it all that more impressive.

20-1 says he salted his McFries.

Huzzah to a REAL American hero!!!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Drop The Soap!

Here at PTB we LOVE studies.

Turns out these guys found "The number of people in U.S. prisons has risen eight-fold since 1970, with little impact on crime but at great cost to taxpayers and society."

They've released a report calling for a major overhaul in the justice system.

No Duh.

When Lindskank LoHoHoHan spends a mere 84 minutes in the gray bar motel for DUI and cocaine posession...

When Iron-Head Mike will spend ONE WHOLE DAY in the calaboose for DUI and cocaine posession...

and this murderer doesn't spend a minute behind bars for his's not the system that's at's the people who run it.

We're calling 'em the "Correctional Industrial Complex."


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mixed Up Priorities

For only the sixth time in a pResidency that has seemingly lasted forever…GWB has vetoed a bill.

This particular measure would have provided a 20 percent increase in money for job training programs, $1.4 billion extra for health research at the National Institutes of Health, $2.4 billion for heating subsidies for the poor, $665 million for grants to community action agencies, $63.6 billion for the Education Department and a $225 million increase for community health centers.

At the same time WPE signed a separate bill to give the Pentagon about $460 billion. For what, you ask? $6.3 billion for the next-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, $2.8 billion for the Navy's DD(X) destroyer and $3.1 billion for the new Virginia-class attack submarine.

Let’s see…job training, health research, helping the poor heat their homes, community action agencies education and community health centers are BAD while fighter jets, destroyers and attack subs are GOOD!

Quick question…do fighter jets, destroyers and attack subs help fight the war on terror? No.

When he says he loves America and her people, as always, HE’S LYING!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Yer Doin' A Heckuva Job Bushie!

How IS that war on terror going you ask?

Our bestest friends in the region just declared martial law and are arresting opposition leaders. They still haven’t found OBL -- who is IN THEIR COUNTRY! Nice.

Our allies are attacking the Kurds (you remember the Kurds…they were the ones WMD’ed by Saddam Hussein) and we’re letting ‘em do it. Sweet.

The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines have lowered their standards so much that pResident Bush would qualify for service (if he wasn’t such a chickenshit, milquetoast coward). Amen.

2007 has now become the deadliest year for American soldiers in Iraq. Uh oh.

The Taliban and Al Qaeda are as nasty as ever in Afghanistan. Still?

Congress is close to confirming the next Attorney General. He thinks torture is O.K. Doh!

The spineless Democrats won’t bring our troops home ‘til 2013 and the Republicans aren’t EVER going to get our troops home. Sigh.

If this isn’t a clusterfuck, nothing is.


Monday, November 5, 2007


If you’ve visited this part of Cyberia more than once, you know how much we hate the Government-Cheese. But we here at PTB love NASA. Heck, most of us wanted to be astronauts ‘til we found out you needed to know math and science and stuff like that. Hell, we just wanted to bang alien hotties and bang the heads of alien baddies. Oh well...

So, it turns out that NASA did a study looking at all the bad crap that happens and almost happens with the airline companies of the good ole USofA and they won’t tell us what they found. NASA says that if they release their findings it would, “…undermine public confidence in the airline industry or hurt the industry's profits.”

THIS is why we hate the Government-Cheese. NASA spent eight-and-a-half MILLION of OUR dollars to find out that airline service and safety in America is worse than that of Djibouti and they don’t want us to know ‘cause we’d quit flying and the airlines would lose money.

Guess what numbnuts…we’ve already quit flying. Why?

Off with yer shoes
No lighters
No Muslims
No bomb jokes
No shampoo bottles
Drunk pilots
Eight hour runway delays
Never, Never, NEVER on time.

WTF do you think would happen if NASA did this with fast food chains? “We don’t want to tell you that we found butt hairs in the burgers and fingers in the chili ‘cause if we did you’d stop eating fast food and they’d lose money.” This is our government at work??? SHEESH!!!!

America...the greatest country in the world? Hardly.
