Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Shoot Me Once...Shoot Me Twice...

We had a hoot last night watching the Republican National Convention. Does anyone else think Joe Lieberman sounds like Bad Luck Schleprock from the Bam Bam & Pebbles Show? “Wowzie wowzie woo woo.” Simply hilarious.

The combination of Flip-Flop Joe and the Smirking Chimp was a perfect example of how not to give a speech. But Fred Thompson pulled that Buick out of the mud. He got up and drawled about Senator John McCain’s life…did a pretty good job too. But Hollywood Elite boy turned good ole’ boy said something that got us thinkin’…

John McCain graduated from the Naval Academy 894th out of 899 students. Pretty weak, even by Republican standards. But what got our attention was the fact that Senator McSame was on the USS Forrestal when it caught fire. Ya see, some dumbass accidentally shot a missile while on the flight deck and blew the dog snot outta 295 crewmen, killing 134.

The crux of this biscuit is simple…

John McCain got shot down over Hanoi. John McCain got shot down on his own aircraft carrier. If John McCain becomes President…how long before he gets shot down in Air Force One? Just asking.
