Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bodies in Motion

Las Vegas baseball phenom, Bryce Harper is droppin’ outta high school to pursue his dream of bein’ an MLB star. The brotherhubbard is only sixteen years old and his parents are supporting his decision. Question: If parents are allowed to let their teenage son quit school and sell his “services” to big league baseball, WTF can’t their teenage daughter drop out and sell her “services” to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch? Funny, if you can swing a bat as good as the pros, they call you the "chosen one"…if you give a hummer as good as the pros, they call you a whore. Two words…Double. Standard.

In the last week Ted Rall, Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow have shown their extreme displeasure with the ‘Bamer. They accuse the President of reneging on campaign promises like releasing torture info, stopping “don’t ask/don’t tell” and universal healthcare. Maher and Rall went so far as to demand that Barry-O resign. It’s still early, but BOb is starting to look a lot like the Bush-Wipe. Question: If the President is losing support from hardcore lefties, how long ‘til the rest of the dems bail? Change you can believe in? No. Change you can Xerox. Yup.
