So, 294 out of 368 new prisoners in the NNCC this month admit to being meth addicts. That’s 80 percent. Half of them admit to being high when committing their crimes. Here at PTB we’re all about personal responsibility. So, first things first…quit blaming the drug for your crime. Alcohol doesn’t cause DUI’s. Doofuses who drink and drive cause DUI’s. The question is, which is the better solution? Getting treatment, counseling and detox for meth users or locking them up and let ‘em do time?
If, as the study suggests, every dollar invested in treatment results in $12 dollars saved in criminal justice, crime and health costs…what could be better than treatment?
If, as the study suggests, every dollar invested in treatment results in $12 dollars saved in criminal justice, crime and health costs…what could be better than treatment?