Friday, June 6, 2008

Twenty More Years!!!

Full Disclosure: Every time you watch television, we here at PTB get ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

Sorry folks but we didn't wanna end your week on a downer. So here ya go:

We just got the news that FOX has renewed the Simpsons for their 20th season. That'll tie it with Gunsmoke as the longest running show in the history of American television. Makes us want to put our heads in the Shine-O-Ball-O!



We’re fighting two unjust wars with no end in sight.

Using the “Muddling Through It” defense, the pResident says we’re learning as we go.

Dr. Evil says he doesn’t care that Americans want to end the war.

Senator McSame doesn’t care if the wars last a hundred years.

War profiteering is rampant. Soldiers are stretched to the breaking point and when/IF they come home they get the shaft.

More than four thousand brave American soldiers…dead. Tens of thousands physically, emotionally and spiritually maimed. Hundreds of thousands of civilians…dead. Upwards of a million are now war refugees.

Sixty-four years ago today Americans put boot to butt and stood up to defeat a tyrant. Today…the United States is ruled by tyrants. And brave American men and women die needlessly because of it.
