When Chimp-Dick and his ilk were bangin’ their illicit war drums, one of the objects of their scorn was France. Remember “Freedom Fries”? Aye caramba…what in the hell were people thinkin’ when they voted for those chucklenuts? Right-wing nutjobs aside, I love the French. What most people don’t know, is that without the French, we’d all be speaking English right now. That said, my new favorite quote:
“Man will not be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” – Denis Diderot.
Awesome! But maybe we could amend that to say,
“Man will not be free until the last politician is strangled with the entrails of his sordid hypocrisy.” Yeah…that does the trick. You listenin’ Johnny “Wad” Ensign? You listenin’ Mark “of the Beast” Sanford? Probably not.