See this pink-assed cracker? ---->
His name is Robert Zoellick. The President just named him to head-up the World Bank.
What's the problem you ask?
Zoellick is replacing Paul Wolfowitz. Remember the Wolfster? He was the chief architect of the war in Iraq.
Wolfie did such a cracker jack job with the war that he got himself a promotion to the top gig at the WB.
Wolf-gag promptly gave his uber-manly girlfriend a raise and a promotion which led to his can getting canned.
His qualifications? He was a consultant to ENRON!!!
Remember those rat bastards? It seems the crappier you do your job, the more likely it is that the President will give you a promotion.
Just remember...the president is NOT in bed with big energy.
Yo Mr. Bush...all we do here at PTB is write a bit of a an opening at Homeland Security?