Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Palin Comparison

There’s a lot of buzz goin’ ‘round about how fast VPILF Sarah Palin wrote her memoirs. C’mon guys…don’t you know that hot air and bullshit flow outta her lie-hole like black gold out of Jed Clampett’s back yard? True dat.

I saw Rep. John Boehner today talkin’ about the Barry-O’s lack of a clear plan in Afghanistan. SHEESH! Yo Bone-Thug…where was you condescending tone and righteous indignation when the Bush-Wipe started this clusterfuck? Oh right. He’s your boy. You want a strategy for Afghanistan? Get the fuck out. It sure would be better than what we have now.

And finally…a couple of weeks back a bunch of Catholic bishops thumbed their noses at the ‘Bamer’s proposed healthcare plan. Since the cadre of Padres is opposed to abortion, they’ve got to weigh that against their concerns about social justice. So they’re against the whole thing. SHEESH! Talk about a one trick pony. Yo Catholic Bishops…you might not support abortion (just like I don’t support y’all pedophilin’ with altar boys) but I’m gonna ask y’all the same question I’ve been askin’ for years. Would JZeus support Universal Healthcare? I’m betting he would.
