Thursday, February 26, 2009

Equal Opportunity Offender











While y’all might not like what the aforementioned words stand for, there’s no doubt…here in the USo’A, the Constitution bestows upon us the inalienable right to be as offensive as we want to be. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Don’t watch it. Don’t listen to it. Or better yet, move to Saudi Arabia where they execute people for that kind of stuff.

Last week some douchebag from a newspaper in the NYC published a cartoon similar to the one at the top of this posting. Holy cow! The outrage spewed out myriad pie holes faster than Ussein Bolt covering 100 meters. People wanted heads to roll, they wanted revenge, they wanted blood. Sorry guys. While we think the cartoon was a bit much…we disagree with pulling it or making the artist issue an apology. Why?

It’s simple…as soon we start censoring things that offend a certain segment of the population, where would it end?

Remember when Blacks and Whites getting married offended everyone below the Mason-Dixon line?

Remember when Elvis and the Beatles offended everyone over 30?

Remember when South Park did shows on Scientology, the LDS Church and JZeus all the while offending anyone with the faith of a mustard seed?

The crux of today’s biscuit is simple…Sticks and stones may break your bones but words, music, movies, video games, comics and cartoons will NEVER hurt you. Like Xander Cage said in XXX, “Come on, Dick... It's only education we got.”


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Damn, that was one rockin’ speech last night. Problem is, just like every other SotU Addy, we had to go and play a drinking game during the speech. Last night was a Tequila shot every time the Republicans stood up to cheer and a beer chaser every time the Democrats stood up to cheer. Aye Caramba! It’s gonna take a couple of days for that game to wear off. So, surrounded by empty Cuervo bottles and myriad crushed beer cans…a couple of quick thoughts on the ‘Bamer’s first-ever SotU Addy…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is our new hero. Last night as BOb was making his way to the podium, he stopped and chatted with the SCOTUS Justice. WTF is so special ‘bout that? Less than a month after having friggin’ cancer surgery, Babe Ruth was back at work and in attendance at this historic event. Given that after 9/11, George “Nookuler” Bush spent one out of every three days on vacation (keeping the country safe we assume) it’s nice to see a public figure be so hardcore. How hardcore you ask? RGB hasn’t missed a day in court since her surgery…her FRIGGIN' PANCREATIC CANCER FRIGGIN’ SURGERY!!! Ruth Bader Ginsburg – she is one bad-assed motherhubbard.

Here at PTB we’re not much into style. When you live in and blog from the ‘rents’ basement, there’s really no need. But WTF was up with Nancy Pelosi’s dress last night? SHEESH! Did you see that hideous green monstrosity? The friggin’ thing looked like it was made out of the drapes from a 1970’s strip club. Seriously, that color of green is only found on the bathroom floor of a fraternity, floating on the top of a fetid pond or in the Depends of an incontinent old rat-bastard. Simply. Putrid.

One of the high points of the speech was when Barry-O said that the economic crisis is an opportunity for America. You know, in China the word for crisis is the same as the word for opportunity…Crisitunity.

And finally, there was Bobby Jindal. The Reflublicans trotted out the Louisiana Governor ‘cause he’s relatively young and untainted by anything the Bush-Wipes did. It also helped that he’s a brown-skinded brotherhubbard. Problem is…he sucked! Governor LaLa can’t read a TelePrompter for shit, his inflection was non-existent and his pacing was atrocious. Combine all that with the same tired, old, boogity-boogity, right wing, nut job rhetoric and you’ve got comedy of the highest order Now the Tighty-Righties still have Rummy, and Scooter, and Karl Rove and Dr. Evil but it’s gonna take one big-assed shovel to get the shit to shoe-level…here’s hoping they won’t need a TelePrompter. Or better yet, they could always enlist the help of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That woman has Huevos Rancheros!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nuggets From the Mind Shaft

The war of words between University Chancellor Jim Rogers and Governor Jim Gibbons is starting to resemble something out of the “WWE.” Now, we’ve never been ones to run away from a public cat fight but, c’mon guys. There’s real work to be done and y’all are acting like a couple of schoolgirls. Tell you what…if you two wanna fight, meet us downtown during halftime of a Bighorns game. We’ll rope y’all off some space and you can beat each other to smithereens. Winner gets his way, loser gets to steppin’. Either that, or STFU and get to work. Babies.

Speaking of fights…last week a couple of Spanish Springs high school students got into some fisticuffs. Gay rights advocates are calling it a hate crime while the Washoe County Sheriff says it wasn’t. That got us to thinkin’…when has a fist fight ever NOT been a hate crime? Just wondering.

The fighting has stopped, for now, in Gaza. Israel sure blew the shit out of that place. So when we read the story ‘bout U.S. aid to Gaza the bile started to rise. According to a report, the USo’A is gonna pay….wait for it…wait for it…$900 MILLION for Gaza reconstruction. WTF is up with that? Hey guys…Israel did the band damage in Gaza…not America. How the fuck come we’ve gotta pay for reconstruction? Israel broke it, Israel should have to pay for it. $900 million could go a long way back here in the states.

And finally, last week we told you about the City of Sparks spending gobs of scratch tryin’ to “re-brand” their identity. When residents heard about it they went BSC. No surprise there. But the story gets better…A city spokesman said the branding, development and marketing action plan is only a DRAFT plan. He said none of the 28 recommendations has been implemented and at a later date, the city council may take action on some, all, or none of them. AYE CARAMBA!!! You mean to say that, after spending all that dough, Sparks officials might not even use the new slogan? What kind of reaction did they think residents were gonna have when they heard the news? No matter folks…PTB to the rescue. Y’all wanna new slogan for your town? How ‘bout: "Sparks, Home of Douchebag Politicians.” Yup…we like that one. It fits.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Pulled Over and Out

The most important document ever written is also what makes the USo’A the greatest nation on earth. Of course, we’re talkin’ ‘bout the Constitution. That said, you’d think the douchebags in Carson City would have paid attention in Constitutional law class…or at the very least, ninth grade history class. You’d think, but you’d be wrong.

Late last week a Senate committee voted for a bill that allows the GestaPoPo to stop motorists if they “think” they’re not wearing seat belts. Did anyone else read that story and say, “WTF?” The Fourth Amendment in the above mentioned Constitution ensures citizens' right to "be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” This new bill seems to be contrary to that pesky Fourth Amendment. Here’s the crux of today’s biscuit

It’s already against the law here in the Silver State to be DWB. Hell, cops can even bust you for drifting over the fog line. But to give the GestaPoPo the right to pull over a motorist ‘cause the officer thinks...maybe...possibly...he's pretty sure there might have been a violation is friggin’ crazy!

Supporters of the bill spout the usual gibberish about how the law will save lives and lower insurance liability but that’s missing the point. When you give cops the go-ahead to bust people on a “hunch,” you give them free reign to go after whomever they want, whenever they want, regardless if a crime has been committed. Will law enforcement abuse those powers? It’s hard to tell but there’s always a few bad apples in the bunch and you can bet your bottom dollar those turds are gonna float to the top. When it comes between safety and civil rights…we pick the latter every time.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Fried Ay?

Say what you will about "Les Francais" but you can't deny their artistic abilities. "Vive Le France!"


Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Sound of One Hand Clapping

When is a protest not a protest? If Tommie Smith and John Carlos made their protest in the locker room rather than on the medal stand, would it have been the same? If Dr. King gave his “I Have A Dream” speech in front of the bathroom mirror instead of on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, would it have been the same? No and no. Protests are meant to be seen and heard. But not if the Nevada legislature has anything to say about it.

This week, Nevada’s political bobbleheads are considering a bill designed to prevent protestors from disrupting funerals and memorial services. That’s ‘cause folks like the BSC motherhubbards from the Westboro Baptist Church raise a ruckus outside military funerals shouting things like “God loves dead soldiers!” Tasteless as that may be, guess what? Here in the USo’A we’ve got a little thing called the First Amendment. Putting restrictions on protests is a violation of Americans’ rights to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Now, we don’t believe in what the WBC stands for...after all, they’ve got “church” in their name. But here’s the crux of our biscuit…when politicians start preventing “funeral” and “memorial” protests, where will it stop? War protesters? Union picketers? American Idol fans? Political douchebags have no idea what this country stands for. Here in America, we let people speak their minds no matter how ugly the message is. Are you listening fat boy? Knowing people like the WBC, the KKK and other hate groups can spout their rhetoric whenever they want warms our collective heart. Why? ‘Cause when you’re up close and personal with a pile of horseshit, it makes you much more appreciative of the smell of flowers. Smarter brotherhubbards than us have said it before…we don’t agree with what they say but we’ll defend to the death their right to say it.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We just found out the City of Sparks gave more than a hundred G’s to a Seattle company to create a “brand identity” for the city. Our question to the powers-that-be in the Rail City: WTF? They don’t have marketing consultants here in the 775? Typical lack of respect for local talent by political douchebags who just don’t get it. Anyway…we did a little research and found a couple of slogans that didn't make the cut:

Sparks. Come for the railroad, stay for the hobos.

Sparks. It could be worse.

Sparks. Like it or lump it.

Sparks. Not just for meth labs anymore.

Sparks. Harassing minorities since 1904.

Sparks. We have to love it. We live here.

Sparks. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Gays!

Sparks. If you’ve been here, you know.

Sparks. Live it. Love it. Now get the hell out!

Sparks. Don’t blame us, we voted for John McCain.



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Flipping the Switch

FULL DISCLOSURE: Every time you turn on your television set, we here at PTB make one MILLION dollars.

Well boys and girls…in about an hour KAME and KRXI along with hundreds of other T.V. stations across the country will stop broadcasting in analog. What does that mean to you? It means unless you’ve made the switch, you’re SOL. And if you haven’t made the switch…c’mon folks, get into the 21st century already! That said, in case you missed it last Sunday, enjoy the brand new HD open for the Simpsons. It might be the last T.V. you see for a while. No worries though. Some people consider television the “drug of the nation.” Maybe if more of us watched less of it, we wouldn’t be in the shit-storm we’re in. Idealistic? Yes. Realistic? No.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Mourning

Fifty people die in a plane crash outside of Buffalo, NY and the story is in the headlines for more than a week. Forty people in Iraq get blown to smithereens and you don’t hear a word. Does that mean a life in Iraq is worth less than a life in the USo’A?

Speaking of war zones, Friday was the anniversary of the USSR’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. General Boris Gromov, the last Soviet general in charge of the war said, "Afghanistan taught us an invaluable lesson ... It has been and always will be impossible to solve political problems using force." Aye Caramba! Is anyone out there listening or are we in for a clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions? We pick the latter. We’ve said it since the beginning…Afghanistan is where empires go to die. Guess we’re next.

The Silver State is in line for a bil-and-a-half of stimulus dollars. Note to Skeevy Dean Heller…WTF is your problem buddy? You’re either for us or again’ us. Sadly it seems you’d rather play obstructionist than trying to help out your constituents. See you at the polls in two years soon-to-be ex-Congressman Heller!

The Washoe County School District is so poor it doesn’t have a pot to piss in. So why do they find it necessary to spend more than a half a mil to put video and audio surveillance on school busses? Here’s an idea…do what the airline industry did after 9/11 and put a highly-trained heavily-armed marshal on the bus. That’ll teach the little whippersnappers to behave!

And finally on this Presidents Day…A new survey, just released, lists the best American presidents ever. Topping the list (not surprisingly) was Lincoln, Washington, FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. What surprised us though, was that Chimp-Dick was ranked 36th out of 42. How the hell did he rate that high? In the several categories used, pResident Bush scored lowest in international relations (41st), and in economic management (40th). No surprise there. His highest ranking was in the category of pursuing equal justice for all (24th). This is why we hate surveys. GWB suspended habeas corpus, tossed hundreds of Muslims into Gitmo, approved waterboarding and other forms of torture and is personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians. Equal justice for all? The Bush-Wipe doesn’t have the faintest idea what that means.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Love and Basketball

Here at PTB we love us some NBA All-Star weekend. No other sport compares. MLB has juiced-up ‘roid-ragers hitting candy-assed fastballs into Bolivia. Weak. The NFL barely shows up to play the week after the Super Bowl. Lame. The NHL’s all-star game? Fuggeddaboudit. No, we’ll take the NBA with its slam dunk contest and the three point shoot-out over that other crap any day. And this weekend is gonna be even more special. For the first time in NBA all-star history, they’re gonna have a game of H-O-R-S-E. YEE HAW!!!

As you probably already knew, H-O-R-S-E was invented by the Greeks as a way to end the siege of Troy back during the Trojan War. The Greeks got the victory when Ajax the Lesser sank a half-court hook shot and the Trojans couldn’t respond. Too bad all wars couldn’t be decided by a game of H-O-R-S-E. Hell, if that were the case, America would regain her place as the greatest country in the world. How? Barry's got game. He’d take out a can of whoopass on Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Fidel Castro. The 'Bamer is a flat-out baller. Besides, do you know how hard it is to shoot hoops dressed like a Taliban or al Qaeda? The friggin’ robes get in the way of everything. Besides, have you ever tried shooting a basketball while holding an AK-47? Not easy.

ANYWAY…we might not settle the world’s problems with a game of H-O-R-S-E (unless it's the 1977-1978 version)…but it sure beats the way we do things now. Hope y’all have a great weekend…we’ll be watchin’ hoops.


Thursday, February 12, 2009


The story says Bernie Madoff’s wife withdrew fifteen million dollars from their account just days before he took a walk of shame for stealing billions of dollars from investors. Neither of the Madoffs are in jail as of this writing. As a matter-of-fact…Bernie is under house arrest. That means he spends his days languishing in his multi-million dollar penthouse in the NYC rather than sitting in a 4x4 cell with a roommate named T-Bone. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again…a brown-skinded brother steals a loaf of bread to feed his family, he gets beaten and thrown in the hoosegow. But if whitey steals billions of dollars to feed his extravagant lifestyle, he gets house arrest. Sad but true.

Had JWB not popped a cap in the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln would have turned 200 years old today…the same age as Dick Clark. So, since Guy Rocha is retiring, we thought we’d share some little-known facts about the Man from Springfield

“Honest Abe” got his nickname the first time he ran for office when he actually fessed-up to a reporter’s question about alleged indelicate dalliances with sheep.

Before Lincoln started sporting his full beard, he wore a Fu Manchu with a soul patch.

The first draft of the Gettysburg Address started with, “There once was a man from Nantucket.”

Lincoln was so poor growing up that his stovepipe hat was an actual real-life stovepipe.

Lincoln’s favorite music? The Shaggs, Bjork and anything from Wu Tang Clan.

Most PoPos consider their K-9 helpers full-fledged officers of the law. That kind of anthromorphization is kinda creepy but we’ll go with it. That said, if Joe Citizen punched a cop…or kicked a cop…hell, even yelled at a cop…he’d be sitting in the Gray Bar Motel for a long time. Shoot-fire, he might even get Gitmo’d. So how come an UN-PD (pronounced Un-Pud) can "allegedly" beat the bejeezus out of his dog and the motherhubbard gets paid administrative leave? Double. Standard.

The Bun in the Oven wacko doesn’t have a job, lives with her parents, gets food stamps and has a publicist. WTF? A freakin' PUBLICIST? Aye caramba! Anyone thinking that’s an O.K. situation needs a reality check. And, while you’re getting yours…save one for Octo-Ho. She needs it more than anyone.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bong With the Wind

The Michael Phelps saga continues to spiral into the abyss.

As you know, last week the Daily Mirror printed a pic of the Chosen One smoking out of a bong. People were outraged. “How can he do that? He’s a role model! And “We expect better behavior from an Olympian.” Next thing you know, everyone’s got their Underoos in a bunch. Sponsors dropped Phelps quicker than bank execs spending TARP money. Phelps apologized, more sponsors bailed and now this…

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott has decided he wants his fifteen minutes and has arrested eight, count ‘em eight people in connection with the Phelps picture. Lott says that the pic indicated to him that a crime was committed. Aye Caramba! This is the kind of thing that drives us bat-shit crazy.

First of all, owning a bong or smoking out of a bong is not a crime in America. Period...unless you're Tommy Chong. But, by merely looking at the pic, Sheriff Lott has decided a crime was committed. Great, the motherhubbard thinks he’s Nancy Drew. O.K…O.K…Let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that Phelps was indeed smokin’ the ganja. Ummm…Sheriff? Is smoking reefer the most pressing law enforcement item on your agenda? No meth labs to bust there in the SC? No murders or rapists to go after? Guess not. Sheriff Lott’s over-zealous prosecution of a minor drug offense sends the wrong message to people. Law enforcement officers in South Carolina aren’t supposed to be bustin’ famous rich white kids for smokin’ the Kind… law enforcement officers in South Carolina are supposed to be bustin’ poor black people for being the wrong color. After all, that’s the kind of behavior we’ve come to expect from southern lawmen.
BTW...if we're gonna start bustin' people for the crime of "appearing in pictures with drug paraphernalia"...every rapper in the country will be spendin' some time in the Gray Bar Motel.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


After years of denials, guess it isn’t too shocking that A-Fraud copped to ‘roidin’. Come to think of it, every MLBer from the late ‘80’s was probably juicin’. Are you listening Cal Ripken Jr.? You’d better get out there and CYA ‘cause Miggy T. got busted today and later this month it’ll be Barry’s turn at the Gray Bar Motel. YIKES!

The scary thing about all this is that Jose Freakin’ Canseco has been right all the time. Aye Caramba! But he with the tiny testicles and pretty man-boobs says that players shouldn’t be the only ones getting’ busted ‘cause the union, the owners and the commissioner were all aware of baseball’s dirty little secret. That got us to thinkin’…Who was the owner of the Texas Rangers when Canseco was a juiced-up member of the team? George W. Bush. Figures. It’s only a crime if other players do it. If your players do it…they were just trying to keep up with the Joneses…or in this case, the Cansecos. Just like Chimp-Dick’s “Struggle Against Global Extremism”…When the other guys kill civilians, it’s called terrorism. When we kill civilians, it’s called collateral damage. That is some fucked up logic right there.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Wussification Nation

This post is a response to an RGJ LTE from Ernie Baltar of Sun Valley

I will support my president and hope he succeeds. For the last eight years American values, morals and faith were betrayed by false prophets with words of doom and gloom. That’s not my America. I want my country back.

I don’t believe helping those less fortunate than me is “socialism.” I believe it is my duty as an American to help those in need. If I must pay higher taxes to help my country and my countrymen out of this shit-storm, then so be it.

During the tenure of the last pResident, the federal government grew bigger than at any time in the country’s history. Handed a multi-billion dollar surplus, he squandered it into the biggest deficit America has ever faced. Warrantless wiretapping, suspension of habeas corpus, rendition, torture and indefinite incarceration without charges have become the norm. That is not my America. I want my country back.

I believe the Constitution when it says all men are created equal. I denounce political hacks who say their job is to protect the American people. No. You swore an oath to protect the Constitution. I’m an American…I don’t need you to protect me from terrorism, or from gay marriage, or from the evils of drugs, or from people who weren’t born in this country but come here to live the American dream.

I figure if there’s 12 billion dollars a month to spend on an unnecessary war in Iraq, there’s enough money to rebuild infrastructure, give our kids a good education and our parents’ security in their retirement. Every American is guaranteed “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” That is my America.

But, success will be slow. It took eight long years to get us into this mess, it’ll take time to get us out of it. Success will be bringing our troops home. Success will be restoring America’s moral standing in the world. Success will be talking to those who don’t agree with us to better understand their plight. Success is my America.

I will not succumb to fear-mongering right-wingers. I am not afraid of black people, or brown people, or yellow people. I am not afraid of Muslims or Jews or Christians or Atheists. I will continue to fight the xenophobic, racist, narrow-minded, rednecks who would give up their freedoms for the illusion of safety. I will not go quietly into that good night. I want my country back and I’m prepared to fight to the death for her. I’m an American and this is my America.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Money Don't Make No Man

The Bus Boys are one of the most underrated, under-appreciated, under-played bands in the entire USo'A. They used to roll up to the 775 at least a half dozen times a year...playin' the old Harrah's Cabaret. We'd go to their first show...sit through the dancing girls "booby show" afterward, then move down to the front row for the Bus Boys' second show of the night. If you ever, Ever, EVER get a chance to see the Bus Boys in concert...DO IT! These brotherhubbards truly lay down some foot-stompin, butt-bumpin' rock & roll rhythm and blues.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ain't Myth-Behavin'

Nevada is losing a good one this time. State Archivist Guy Rocha is calling it quits after 28 years on the job. Guy was known ‘round these parts as “Nevada’s mythbuster.” The brotherhubbard consistently debunks legends and old stories and even history lessons that pop up about the Silver State. The dude truly knows his stuff. But now that Guy’s career is takin’ a dirt nap, we’re steppin’ in and takin’ over as Nevada’s NEW “mythbusters.” We start today.

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Nevada and Famous Nevadans

10. The only all-male brothel in Nevada history closed in 1962 because customers kept asking for their money back.

9. “Nevada” isn’t Spanish for “snow-covered,” snow-covered is English for “Nevada.”

8. Nevada’s state fossil is the Ichthyosaur. Second place in the voting? State Senator Bill Raggio.

7. Originally, Nevada was to be named “South Idaho.”

6. Reno Mayor Bob Cashell was the inspiration behind the Star Wars character “Yoda.”

5. The greatest sports hero to come out of Nevada is table tennis legend Randy Daytona.

4. University of Nevada athletic teams are called the Wolf Pack. In the 1920’s, they were known as the Pooters.

3. On a clear day, you can see Russia from the top of the Reno Arch.

2. Nevada was admitted to the Union because Abraham Lincoln lost a Super Bowl bet.

1. Guy Rocha invented the roach clip, the roach motel and Family Guy.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Getting Dicked

Woa…who knew Kreskin was kinfolk to Dick Cheney? Yesterday Dr. Evil crawled out of his hermetically sealed cave and declared that there’s a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the “Obama administration’s policies will make it more likely the attempt will succeed.”

Well, it wasn’t nuclear or biological but the first terrorist attack on American soil during the Obama administration happened today. Some wacked-out BSC motherhubbards blew the bejeezus out of a doctor in Arkansas. Funny thing is, when we looked at the video of the scene, we couldn’t see one person from Homeland Security. Guess they had other things to do.

The sad part is…the Republicans seem to be enjoying all this. The tighty-righties are out of power and they’re damned sure to remind us that, when the bad stuff happens, it’s Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s fault. And all the bad things that are GONNA happen are because Republicans weren’t there to protect us. They keep flapping their lie-holes about keeping America safe but unless THEY’RE the ones keeping us safe, they could care less.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Money Talks

A couple of weeks ago SK Baseball rolled up to the Reno City Council, hat in hand, beggin’ for money like Oliver Twist beggin’ for more gruel. Because of spiraling construction costs and the sinking economy, SK figured they needed MILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer money to move their stadium project forward. Yesterday, SK Baseball announced that it has bought the Reno Bighorns of the NBA D-League. The purchase price is rumored to be in the MILLIONS of dollars.

There are several words that come to mind after writing that previous paragraph. Boondoggle…swindle…bailout. Actually, the first thing that came to mind was WTF?!? The city is cutting services and salaries and jobs like a butcher cutting through a ham hock. Meanwhile, they’re actually considering giving SK Baseball millions of dollars. This just goes to show you how out of touch local politicians really are. If the Reno City Council gives even one more taxpayer dollar to SK Baseball, they should all be run out of town on a rail. We’re gonna bet the train will be full sooner rather than later.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Deja Vu All Over Again and Again

Ah, Groundhog Day…the time of year when Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Agnostics and Atheists from all over the USo’A join together, throw their Deities under the bus and, for one day, believe that the all-knowing, all-seeing Almighty is a steroid-induced marmot.

Well, today the folks up in the PA, pulled the little rat-bastard out of his hole and exclaimed to the world that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and that winter would continue for another six weeks. Nice call Phil. Have you seen the last couple of weeks here in the 775? It’s been absolutely spring-like. Hell, we haven’t even STARTED winter yet. But divining the future on the sun-blocking ability of a rabid chipmunk got us to thinking…maybe we could predict some future events…

Michael Phelps, the greatest American Olympic athlete of all time, turns out to be a Rastafarian. Aye Caramba! Still think marijuana is the “evil drug?” Ask Mikey…or ask the doctors that did this study…or, like we’ve said before, open your bible to Genesis 1:29, read, repeat. Our prediction: Phelps will lose endorsement money from people like Disney and WalMart but get huge endorsement bucks from Doritos, Hostess Twinkies and Red Bull.

Today is the first day of the 2009 Nevada Legislature. Our prediction is that politicians will try to save as many programs as possible while not raising taxes. It never occurs to those bobbleheads that they have to pay for stuff with SOMETHING. They just never get around to figuring out how.

A new study out has dire news for the 775. It says the drought in the area makes the Silver State a natural disaster area. Our prediction: County Commissioners and City Council members will see this as a good sign and promptly rubber-stamp several sprawling developments and a couple of mega-casinos. After all, if you think the 775 is in a drought, you must be a tree-huggin’, Birkenstock wearin’, tie-dyed, Al Gore-lovin’ hippie. Wow…that sounds a lot like Michael Phelps.

And finally…yesterday we were all treated to a great Super Bowl, that is, unless you’re an Arizona Cardinals fan. The thing that stuck out the most, though, was the halftime show. YIKES! Aside from the ear worm he stuck us with, nothing is scarier than Bruce Springsteen doing a power slide right into the camera. Yo Boss…if no one wanted to see Janet Jackson’s niblets a few years ago…no one wants to see the ingredients of your codpiece today. And a quick note to the NFL. Hey guys, can you please quit with the geriatric, antique, octogenarian rockers? The 1970’s are OVER. If we wanted to see some old geezer strutting around like a peacock with a sugar buzz…we’d just give grandpa one of Michael Phelps’ blunts. Yup, that’d do it.
