Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little Chickenshits

Ya know, I’m pretty damned disappointed. For weeks now the tighty-righties have been skidmarking their Underoos over President Barack Hussein Obama’s speech to the nation's school kids. They said that the ‘Bamer’s speech was gonna turn ‘em all into little left-win socialists. Guess what? It didn’t happen.

I guess I should’ve known it’d turn out this way. It’s the “Boy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome.” Remember back in the day when reflublicans warned us to stock up on supplies and duct tape our houses shut ‘cause the bad guys were gonna attack any minute? I do. BOOGITYBOOGITYBOOGITY! No attack. Remember back in ’04 when the right-wing nutcases said that if a democrat was elected President, the United States would be less safe? I do. I don’t think John Kerry could have made us less safe on purpose than the Bush-Wipe did in those four years.

Yup…the tinfoil hat wearin’ right just loves scarin’ the bejeezus outta folks. And it used to work, Here’s hoping the American public will see through the bullshit now.
