Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Harry Reid Says "I Won't Bite!

Well...not in those exact words, but it was good to see that our dear Harry has his priorities straight. . Just in case those in D.C have forgotten:

We’re in the middle of TWO wars (no one seems to even remember this place)…

Gas prices are at record highs while oil companies are making record profits (and everything else we buy is getting more expensive as a result)…

New Orleans still looks like this (and probably will for a long time to come)…

Americans are still spending in the neighborhood of $50 for an aspirin (and lord knows how much for these)…

We could go on…and on…and on…but we’ll step aside for the day with one last thought…

How, in all good conscience, can a politician attend a bourgie feast-a-thon while this is still going on? Makes us wonder.


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