Friday, September 14, 2007

How Dumb do the Traitors Think We Are?

We'd been waiting all week to hear what GDP had to say. He lied. The Iraqi insurgents are beating on us like we stole something.

We watched last night as President Dumb-Ass went through the same half-truths and misconceptions that got us into this clusterfuck.

Let's clear up a few things...

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

The violence in Iraq is NOT subsiding.

And 37 countries may be in the "Coalition of the Willing" but SHEESH...Moldova? The only thing we're doing in Iraq is making more martyrs to come after us.

It took the Idiot-In-Chief sixteen minutes of his speech before he mentioned remember Afghanistan right? It's where OBL is hiding.

Speaking of the devil...hey Bush-Wipes...How is the hunt for the 9/11 mastermind going? Not too good we'll wager.

The Iraqis are kicking our ass the same way we kicked British Butt in 1776...

The same way the Viet-Nam-Ese handed us our hats in 1969...

The same way the Afghans put boot to butt on the Russians.

Any way you look at it...we're toast!

When they tell you they care about America...they're LYING!!!


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